5 Minute Team Building Activities & Games For Work

Fun 5 minute team-building activities you’ll love 1. Word Connect 2. Two Truths and a Lie 3. Would You Rather 4. Blind Drawing 5. Rapid Fire and more!

If you are looking for 5-minute team-building activities, hang on. We have compiled everything for you here.

Team-building doesn’t have to be time-consuming to be effective. Even with just five minutes, you can bring your team closer, boost morale, and make your workplace more connected. These quick and easy activities are perfect for fitting into a busy workday, helping to break the ice, refresh the energy, or simply have a little fun together. 

In this blog, we’ll share a variety of 5-minute team-building activities that are easy to set up and do. Try them out, and see how a few minutes can make a big difference for your team!

5 Minute Team Building Activities For Adults

1. Word Connect

The Word Connect game can be easily played in 5-minutes. For this game, all the players sit in a circle. The first player says a word and the next player has to follow up with a word connected to the first word. For instance, the game can go on something like:

Player 1: Fun

Player 2: Outing

Player 3: Beach

It’s exciting to see how the words link together and where the connections lead. Give it a try, and see how creative your team can get!

5 Minute Team Building Activities For Adults

2. Blind Drawing

This is another quick game that promotes team building, communication, and listening skills. Here’s how it works: Divide your team into pairs, and have them sit back-to-back. Give one person in each pair an image or painting, but don’t let their partner see it. The person with the image describes it while their partner tries to draw it based on the description.

It’s a fun way to see how well your team communicates and listens. Plus, the results are always interesting!

3. Quick Rapid Fire

Quick Rapid Fire can be as quick as it sounds. This game is all about speed and spontaneity. Team members have to answer questions quickly without taking too much time to think. You can put a condition saying that a player who takes more than 5 seconds to answer a question ends up losing a point. 

Questions can be something like:

  • Which year did you graduate out of school? 
  • Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? 
  • Choose any one from: Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving. 
  • What do you normally use as a sugar substitute? 

4. 5-Minute Team Building Dance

Dance lovers, get ready to rock this one! The 5-minute team-building dance activity requires ample coordination between a dance troupe. Split into teams and create a quick dance routine with coordinated moves. It’s not just about dancing—it's about working together to make it all come together.

Get ready to watch everyone dance their hearts out, and see which team steals the show with the best performance!

5 Minute Team Building Activities For Students

5. Group Rock Paper Scissors

The Rock Paper Scissors game not only focuses on team-building skills but also tests the alertness of students. Moreover, this can be easily conducted in 5 minutes. 

Divide everyone into pairs, and have each pair play Rock Paper Scissors. The winner of each pair moves on to compete with another winner, and so on, until only two players are left for the final showdown.

The Rock Paper Scissors game is highly entertaining and students will enjoy themselves to the fullest. It also helps them to work on their quick thinking and coordination skills.

6. Keep The Balloons Flying

This one can be a great physical activity for students. As the name itself suggests, in the “Keep The Balloons Flying” game the balloons need to be flying high up and players should not let them touch the ground. 

Divide the students into teams and give each team a balloon. The teams have to coordinate and keep the balloon flying high and prevent them from falling on the ground. The team whose balloon touches the ground ends up losing. Get ready to witness high spirits and loads of entertainment within 5 minutes!

7. Paper Plane Challenge 

Many of us have made paper planes and flown them during our childhood. Well then, how about converting this into a quick, 5-minute team-building activity for students?

Choose a suitable area for this activity, preferably a large open space. Depending on the number of students, divide them into teams. The goal? Work together to design a plane that stays in the air the longest. Once everyone’s ready, it’s time for takeoff! The team whose plane flies the farthest wins. It’s a fun and engaging way to encourage creativity, teamwork, and a bit of friendly competition.

8. Quick Pictionary

Pictionary is no alien to us. Quick Pictionary, as the name suggests, can be done within a short time. This activity works on boosting creativity apart from imbibing team-building skills within them. 

One player from each team is chosen as the artist. They have a limited time to sketch a word or item for their teammates to guess. The catch? The team has to guess as quickly as possible!

The team that guesses correctly first wins the round. It’s a great way to boost creativity and teamwork, all while having a blast!

5-Minute Team Building Activities For The Workplace

9. Icebreaker Questions

A quick icebreaker session is a great way to kickstart team-building at work, especially for newcomers. It helps everyone bond and feel more at home in the company. To keep things moving, prepare a set of questions that can be answered quickly.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Which movie have you watched over and over?
  • Have you landed your dream job?
  • What’s your favorite holiday destination?

This activity is perfect for building connections and making everyone feel comfortable in no time!

10. Two Truths And A Lie

How well do you know your coworkers? This activity will help you find out.

Two Truths and a Lie is an interesting game that can be done in under 5 minutes. For this activity, divide members into teams. One member of each team has to come up with three statements about themselves, out of which there will be two truths and one lie. The remaining members need to guess the lie correctly.

This activity is great for team building as it helps employees develop deep connections with each other. It can also be quite entertaining.


11. Paper Tower Challenge

For this activity, distribute the required supplies like paper, scissors, glue, tapes, and other accessories that may be needed to build a paper tower. Instruct the teams to build a free-standing paper tower that is as tall as possible. Give the teams a set amount of time to build their tower. Teams must work together to design and build a free-standing paper tower. The tower must be able to stand on its own without any external support.

Once the time is up, measure each tower to see which one is the tallest. You can also add other criteria, such as stability or creativity, to decide the winner. By participating in such activities, employees will learn about planning, coordinating, and multitasking skills. All of these will go a long way in enforcing team-building spirits.


12. Speed Networking

Speed Networking is a quick team-building exercise that encourages employees to move out of their comfort zones and develop new bonds. It also helps employees polish their communication skills and help them to interact with new people.

For this activity, divide employees into pairs. Each pair will have a few minutes to chat and get to know each other. Participants need to highlight a few vital aspects about themselves to their partner and vice-versa. Once both partners are done talking, they need to chat with another partner and the cycle repeats. 

5-Minute Team Building Activities For Small Groups

13. 5-word story

How good are you at building a story? This activity tests your storytelling and creativity skills. It will also need some coordination and team building among players. 

Each participant takes turns adding just 5 words to a story, building on what the previous person said. The goal is to create a fun and connected story together. It’s a great way to spark creativity, improve teamwork, and see where your collective imagination takes you!

14. Circle of Appreciation

How often have you noticed your employees complimenting each other? By introducing this activity, you can give them a chance to do so.

Circle of Appreciation is a fast-paced activity that involves employees complimenting each other all the way around.  In this quick activity, gather 4-5 team members in a circle. Each person will take a moment to compliment the person sitting next to them, either to their right or left. It will be amazing to watch compliments and praises flowing across the circle. 

Activities like this one help spread positivity across the workplace environment.

15. Mime an Alternate Application

t's time to mime or witness one! This can be a great 5-minute team-building activity for small groups.

Mime an Alternate Application encourages participants to bring out their thinking caps and also to present their mime acts. To conduct this activity, pick objects that are easily available around you. It could be anything like a pen stand, a newspaper, a paperweight, etc. Instruct participants to depict an alternate application of the item using body movements and gestures, without speaking. Other participants need to guess the act. See who can mime the best!

5-Minute Team Building Activities For Large Groups

16. Group Yoga 

If you need ideas for team-building activities for a big group of people that can be done in 5 minutes, then a group yoga session can be a great idea.

Make the entire group do just a couple of yoga poses or a few breathing exercises. The main idea here is to involve everyone in a group activity that is also an ideal stressbuster. 

17. Stop Walk

Want to energize a large group? Then this activity should do the trick.

For this activity, look for a suitable place that can accommodate a big group of 15-20 members. If there is more space, more people can join.

Call out the commands like “Stop” and “Walk” at regular intervals. There is no fixed order on how to give these commands.. On hearing the command “Walk”, employees have to walk and when “Stop” is called, they need to freeze in their positions.

You can even add a twist here by introducing commands like “Clap” and “Jump.” Call out these commands randomly in between and watch the group juggling between commands.


5-Minute Team Building Activities For Virtual Platforms

18. Emoji Check-In

An emoji game can be a great team-building activity on virtual platforms. For the “Emoji Check-In” activity, participants share an emoji depicting their current mood. It helps others realize how their team members are feeling. 

This is important for establishing an “emotional connection” between team members, which is essential for a healthy work atmosphere. For instance, if someone is not in the best of their moods, others can try and lighten the mood. If all members put up a “Happy Emoji”, then they need to maintain high spirits. 

19. Caption This 

If you are good at captioning images, you ought to try this one out! Caption This can be a great game to play on virtual platforms. 

For this game, the team leader posts a few images one by one on the screen. Each team member then sends their best caption for the image to the leader. Once everyone has submitted, the leader can share the captions with the group, and you can all see who came up with the most clever or amusing caption. It’s a fun way to spark creativity and share a few laughs!

20. Virtual Trivia

Virtual Trivia is an engaging and productive way to bring your team together on a virtual platform. To keep the game quick, prepare a set of trivia questions that can be answered in just a few minutes. This activity not only encourages friendly competition but also helps your team bond and learn something new. 

Whether the questions are about general knowledge, company history, or fun facts, Virtual Trivia is a fantastic team-building exercise that adds a bit of excitement to your workday.

21. Quick Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Add a burst of energy to your virtual meetings with a Quick Virtual Scavenger Hunt! This fast-paced activity is a great way to get everyone involved and on their feet, even during remote work. The host will give participants a list of everyday items to find within a 5-minute time frame. The items can be anything common, like a banana, a black marker, or a newspaper.

Once the list is announced, everyone rushes to find the items in their home or workspace and brings them back to their camera as quickly as possible. The first person to gather all the items and display them wins the game.


These 5-minute team-building activities are designed to spark connection, energy, and enthusiasm among participants. Whether you're working with adults, students, small or large groups, or even in a virtual setting, there's something here for everyone.

These activities are perfect for bringing people together, whether it’s during a work event, a casual gathering, or a special occasion. We encourage you to give them a try at your next meeting or get-together. Not only will they help foster team bonding, but they’ll also ensure everyone has a great time while boosting morale and keeping spirits high!

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