21 Best Indoor Team Building Activities & Games For Work

These exciting indoor team building games can spice up the fun quotient at your workplace. Relax, enjoy, and destress yourselves with these indoor activities.

Looking for some interesting indoor team-building activities? Find some mind-blowing games here.

Most of us are pretty stressed out at our workplaces, all thanks to those never-ending meetings, client calls, and stringent deadlines. So how do we break this monotony?

From time to time, we can engage in some indoor team-building activities with our team. When executed properly keeping everyone’s interests in mind, these games can bring in a lot of fun. Some games can act as great icebreakers and help build a special connection with your colleagues.

In this article, we’ve covered 21 activities that can be played with large and small teams. Let’s begin!

Why should we organize indoor team-building activities at work?

Team building activities help develop strong connections and collaborations at the workplace. They boost interpersonal relationships, leading to a healthy work atmosphere. These activities are also known to increase productivity levels at work.

Some advantages of these activities include:

  • Fun Unlimited: Team-building activities bring in a lot of fun, thereby facilitating a healthy work atmosphere. 
  • Helps employees get comfortable with each other: Many of these activities act as great icebreakers, helping employees to gel well within the team.
  • Improves Employee Retention Rate: Organizing team-building sessions regularly can only make your employees happier and content. Therefore, they would think twice before moving on.
  • Bring out your creative side: Many of these activities force you to bring out your creative skills that are important for your overall personality development.

Large Group Indoor Team Building Activities

List of Indoor Team Building Activities & Games

1. Human Chess

A game of Human Chess requires the players to dress up as chess pawns where they challenge other members in a live chess game. This activity will need a little bit of planning to arrange the setup and costumes for the players.

So for those members who enjoy playing the board game version, this one would sound very exciting. On the day of the game, the excitement on the faces of the players is something not to miss. It will surely be a treat to watch this live game in action!   

2. Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Another great way to engage a large group is with a fun scavenger hunt. Even though it’s a well-known game, it always brings excitement!

To up the challenge, make the checklist extra interesting so players are scrambling to find each item. It’s all about the thrill of the hunt!

3. Office Trivia

Trivia activities are great for improving the overall work environment and beating work stress. Just ask random questions on any topic! All you need to do is brainstorm some interesting questions tailored to your audience. Need some ideas? Check out some of our trivia blogs like Taylor Swift Trivia Questions, Earth Day Trivia Questions, and Math Trivia.

4. The Barter Puzzle

If you wish to challenge a large group of players, then the Barter Puzzle game could be a good choice. To play, divide a large group of people into a few small groups. Give each team a jigsaw puzzle. Ensure that the jigsaw puzzle pieces do not completely belong to a single set. Mix a few pieces from some other puzzle into each set. Teams will need to negotiate with each other to get their missing pieces back. It’s all about teamwork and strategy!

Small Group Indoor Team Building Activities

5. Escape Rooms

How can there be fun within the workplace without any escape room activity? For this game, players are put into a locked room and they need to solve a set of clues so that they can ‘escape’ from the room. This game enables employees to enhance their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Most importantly, the fun that comes along with these activities is unlimited.

6. Human Knot

Human Knot is an icebreaker that can help new employees get comfortable and blend well within the organization. 

For this game, everyone stands in a circle and tangles themselves up by moving in any direction while holding hands. The challenge is to untangle the knot without letting go of each other's hands, eventually forming the original circle again with the same partners. It's a fun way to build teamwork.

7. Board Games

This could be the best way to pit a small group of employees against each other, albeit in a friendly way! Board games are not alien to us. They are great to put our thinking skills to the test. A board game tournament consisting of a series of games can be a great mechanism to encourage the spirit of teamwork among employees.

8. Lucky Penny

For playing Lucky Penny, you will need a few coins, preferably new ones. Give each player a penny. Ask the participants to check the year minted on their respective penny. Depending on the year minted on the coin, participants have to share some memories, anecdotes, and positive vibes associated with their lives during that particular year. 

For this game, choose coins that have recently been minted so that even the young players in the team can recollect some wonderful memories. This game can be a lovely icebreaker.

9. Memory Wall

The Memory Wall activity has the power to inculcate a sense of positivity and gratitude within the workplace! Ask the participants to remember all those good times and associations that they have had in the workplace. Each player needs to represent this in the form of a drawing and stick it up on the ‘Memory Wall.’ On being called, the players need to explain how a particular memory influenced them positively.

Quick Indoor Team Building Activities

10. Minute To Win It

For Minute To Win It games, participants will have a minute to complete the given task. Most of these games are quite easy to play and require simple props like paper cups, straws, a deck of cards, balloons, and so on. 

An example of one of these games can be to build a house of cards. Form 2 teams each consisting of 3-4 members, and give each team a few playing cards. Ask them to build a house of cards in a minute and check for the team that successfully builds a bigger house of cards. Another game can involve a very simple task of blowing balloons. The team that succeeds in blowing the maximum number of balloons wins.

11. Heads Shoulders Knees Cups

Heads Shoulders Knees Cups is a quick and fun game that requires players to be alert and quick in their actions. Divide the players into two groups. Have both teams stand in a line, facing members of the opposite team. Place cups equally spaced between each pair of players. A moderator calls out "Heads," "Shoulders," "Knees," or "Cups" in any order. When "Heads" is called, players place their hands on their heads. For "Shoulders" or "Knees," they place their hands accordingly. When "Cups" is called, players must quickly grab the cup. The team with the most cups wins.

12. Show and Tell

The Show and Tell game is not only quick, but it also improves public speaking skills and boosts one's self-confidence. Schedule this activity well in advance so that you can request your team members to bring any item from their place. You can also decide on a theme and ask members to select their items accordingly.

On the day of the activity, participants need to speak about the item revealing details on how they got it, how long it has been with them, and so on. If the item holds a special place in their lives, they can emphasize the same.

Creative Indoor Team Building Activities

Creative indoor team building activities

13. Blind Drawing

This game puts your artistic skills and creations to the test. For the Blind Drawing challenge, every team selects a player to be an artist. The artist needs to prepare a sketch based on the instructions provided by other team members. And the other team members should not be able to see what is being drawn. In the end, the team whose sketch matches the described item closely wins.

14. Which Cartoon Character Am I?

If you had to be a cartoon character, then who would you be? Well, that is what this game is all about. You need to talk about yourself as if you were a cartoon personality and how closely you resemble the traits of the particular character. 

15. Theatre Of Excellence

Theatre of Excellence is a game wherein you can showcase your acting and theatre skills. If any of your employees are good in theatre, then do plan this one out. Theatre art will require some amount of planning. Select employees who are interested in theatre and form teams. Assign each team a work-related topic and ask them to create a skit. Give them time to gather props and rehearse. On the scheduled day, watching the teams perform can help reduce work stress and lighten everyone's mood.

16. Charades

The game of charades is a classic and fun game that can be played even at the workplace. Players are split into teams and a person from every team needs to enact a certain word or a phrase while their teammates guess. This could be any movie name, a song, or even a celebrity. The team that correctly guesses most answers is the winner.

17. Office Pictionary

Pictionary tests your drawing skills. You need to draw an object within a given time frame. The team that can successfully sketch out the objects and get others to guess them correctly wins.

Fun Indoor Team Building Activities

18. Dress-up Monday

This is a good way to beat those Monday blues. Call for a ‘Dress-up Monday’ activity so that people come to the workplace in their best possible attire. Additionally, you can make this even more fun by giving some prizes for the brightest attire, longest skirt, best suit, and so on.

19. Flip The Carpet

If you have enough open areas within your workplace premises, then this can be a super fun activity. For Flip The Carpet, divide players into groups of 4-6. Give each team a big sheet and ask the players to stand over it. Now, ask them to flip the carpet without stepping outside the sheet or ‘carpet’. In case any member accidentally happens to step outside, the entire team loses the challenge.

20. Drop The Ball

TheDrop The Ball’ game enforces healthy competition amongst the participants. For this activity, give 12 straws and 18 inches of masking tape to all the teams. Ask the groups to create a container with the help of these items. Now, one person from every team will be given three chances to drop the ball from a height of about 10 feet such that it falls exactly into the container. Try this game and see which team wins.

21. Team Feud

Team Feud is a game you might recognize from TV. It's based on surveys and is both interesting and challenging. To keep things exciting, choose questions with tricky or confusing answers. If a team gives three incorrect answers in a row, the turn passes to the other team. This game is fun to play and watch!


These indoor team-building activities are perfect for strengthening relationships at work. They bring a lot of fun and brighten up the office atmosphere.

Some activities also challenge you to think more deeply, boosting your problem-solving skills. Plus, your employees will enjoy coming to work because they'll have something exciting to look forward to, which can lead to higher productivity levels.

FAQs: Indoor Team Building Games & Activities

1. What are indoor team-building activities?

Indoor team-building activities are designed to help improve coordination and communication between employees. Apart from adding fun to our monotonous routines, they also act as great stress busters.

2. What are some tips for doing indoor team-building activities?

If you plan on conducting indoor team-building activities within your workplace, make sure you have sufficient space. Certain activities may need planning and scheduling in advance so that you can get the materials ready.

3. What are some fun indoor games for adults?

Some fun indoor games for adults include Flip The Carpet, Team Feud, Drop The Ball, and many more. 

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