9 HR OKR Examples to get you started

Human Resources team OKRs for Recruitment, On-boarding, Engagement and Training

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) help HR teams define their quarterly goals in a structured manner and also help them quantify their key results.

  1. How to write HR OKRs?
  2. What are some OKR examples for Human Resources?
  3. HR OKRs for start-ups

We will cover the points mentioned above in this article and give you a good overview of HR OKR.

Recruitment and On-boarding OKR Examples

Objective A: Improve the recruitment process

  • Key Result 1: Maintain cost per hire at $4,500
  • Key Result 2: Reduce average time to fill vacancy to 30 days
  • Key Result 3: Increase the share of people recruited from internal referrals to 20%

Objective B: Set-up an on-boarding process

  • Key Result 1: Create a detailed on-boarding process document
  • Key Result 2:Install a software on Slack and create automated on-boarding workflows
  • Key Result 3: Achieve 95% satisfaction rate for the on-boarding process

Objective C: Hire 15 team members this quarter

  • Key Result 1: Publish job postings on LinkedIn, Indeed, Flexjobs and other job portals
  • Key Result 2: Shortlist at least 20 people for each position
  • Key Result 3: Fill all 15 job vacancies within this quarter

Performance and Training OKR Examples

Objective A: Refine the Performance Management process

  • Key Result 1: Adopt a continuous employee feedback process
  • Key Result 2: Conduct the quarterly performance review for 100% of employees
  • Key Result 3: Buy a performance management software and implement on-board all employees

Objective B: Implement a training program for each department

  • Key Result 1: Discuss with the respective head of department and draft a training program for all departments
  • Key Result 2: Buy Enterprise plan of selected online training courses on Udemy and Coursera
  • Key Result 3: Ensure 90% of the employees go through the training program

Objective C: Adopt the OKR goal-setting framework company-wide

  • Key Result 1: Conduct an OKR training workshop for all employees
  • Key Result 2: Install and set-up an OKR software like Ricotta on Slack
  • Key Result 3: Ensure 100% people write their OKRs this quarter

Employee Engagement and Team Culture OKR Examples

Objective A: Improve employee engagement metrics

  • Key Result 1: Increase the employee engagement survey score from 70% to 90%
  • Key Result 2: Achieve 100% response rate in monthly employee feedback
  • Key Result 3: Reduce the number of anonymous complaints by 70%

Objective B: Create a great remote team culture

  • Key Result 1: Implement OKRs company-wide to ensure team stays connected with company goals
  • Key Result 2: Host the quarterly company retreat
  • Key Result 3: Conduct weekly fun trivia and ice-breaker games using Ricotta Trivia

Objective C: Draft and promote company values

  • Key Result 1: Interview 20 employees and the management team on company values
  • Key Result 2: Draft company values and get it approved
  • Key Result 3: Reward employees each month who exhibit behaviour that aligns with company values
OKR Examples

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6 Personal OKRs examples to help you get better

Turn your goals into results with OKRs on Slack.
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